Day my schoolboy bet came in at 100-1!

October 2011
Reading James Hannaway’s latest Rants & Pants in the Rex Cinema programme about the closure of Berkhamsted Post Office (now an M&S but the post box still remains) reminded me of one of the best days of my life. Back in the early 1960s I became addicted to postal betting. In those days you could place a bet by post as long as it was time-

boars head piccotts end

No room for a pub in pint-sized Piccotts End

August 2011
End of the road for the Boar’s Head, or as it was affectionately known, the Whore’s Bed. It’s always sad to see the passing of a hostelry that’s been there for more than 100 years but the reality is that pint-sized Piccotts End couldn’t sustain a pub in today’s economic climate. There’s always the excellent Crown & Sceptre a mile down the road at

Tea for Two is an Old Town treat

July 2011
Well done to Shirley Hall Florists in Hemel Old Town for providing not only a colourful addition to the High Street but a teashop into the bargain. We called there one Saturday afternoon and it was a treat to sit down amongst all the flowers and perfumes and be served an excellent cup of tea with a delicious coffee and walnut cake. With the Old Town’s other

Is this yellow blot on the landscape really necessary?

June 2011
I see Dacorum Council have painted the hill road from Berkhamsted to Potten End with hideous yellow lines. Why don’t they just ban parking along the whole length of the hill with a notice at either end instead of defacing a pleasant country road. Here in Piccotts End we try to keep the place looking attractive with plantings under the village signs. The only problem is that plants need water. I’ve

Torture by telephone at the Rex

May 2011
I’m sure there is a sort of Room 101 at The Rex Cinema, Berkhamsted,  where a phone constantly rings and no one answers it. We have invited some friends for the weekend and have promised them a visit to our renowned local cinema. The problem is that we are in France the weekend the tickets go on sale and so a special plan is put in place.

A late frost kills off the apple blossom

April 2011
I must try to keep my blog more up to date. I’m writing this two months in arrears and I’m struggling to recall even May let alone April. But yes, I remember a late frost that has caused havoc in the garden. Re-reading a post last year about my apricot tree not producing any fruit, I’m now beginning to see why. Apricot trees flower before peaches and if you’re

One way isn’t the answer

March 2011
Plans are afoot to make the Old Town one way. Apparently it will cost £1.3 million. I suppose it will improve safety and make the area more attractive but why don’t they go all the way and pedestrianise it? Apparently shopkeepers are against the idea because they fear it will deter drivers because there will be nowhere to park. But that’s not borne out