English apricots

That was the apricot summer that was!

October 2018
Everyone over the age of 50 can remember the Summer of 76. To that we can now add the Summer of 2018. Not quite the same ring but hot it was! It would be nice to think we’ll get more of the same but I doubt it.  Our summers are notoriously unreliable and while I’d like to be proved wrong, I predict we’ll be back to the usual mixture of sunshine and showers for the next 40 years!

Penny Gore

How Piccotts End’s Voice of Calm soothed the radio waves

April 2018
Good to see one of our residents reaching out to bring peace and calm to some ruffled radio airwaves! Reading the pages of The Spectator magazine this month I chanced across a review of the week’s radio programmes. The reviewer noted that after listening to a programme about Enoch Powell’s infamous ‘rivers of blood’ speech, it was a relief to tune into Radio 3 and hear the soothing voice of Penny Gore with an appreciation of the Czech composer Janáček.


I can’t see Cliff getting a state funeral like this one for rocker Johnny!

January 2018
Oh dear! My blogs have fallen way behind. Again. Lives are so busy there is seldom time to write down what you’re doing or thinking. One topic that occupied a day for me in the last few weeks was the death of the French pop star Johnny Hallyday. This only registered on my radar because I happened to be in Paris on the day of his funeral. My wife, being French, decided we should go to the Champs Elysées and watch the procession.

School’s out for summer & the drive’s a breeze!

August 2017
I’m savouring these last few weeks of the school holidays on our rural roads. August is a month when you don’t have to stop every few minutes, squeeze up to the hedgerow and let a fellow traveller pass.  My pick of the sights on my way to work are often floral, for example the flowers under the signs at the Marchmont end of the village and at Mill Close. At the other end of the beauty spectrum is the Link Road roundabout, pictured above.  I’m sure that the wild flower plantation was created with

Why I’ve cancelled The Daily Mail – and stopped listening to The Archers!

February 2017
Enough is enough! After more than 40 years as a Daily Mail reader, 11 of them working at the paper, I have finally cancelled it. It has 
been some years in the planning but the Mail’s appallingly biased Brexit campaign finally did it. As a staunch Remainer, and now Remoaner, I found the paper’s hate-mongering anti-European stance a disgrace to journalism. Now I’m a Times reader.

Cakes & croissants at Black Goo

Welcome to Black Goo – if you can get a table

January 2017
It’s all change at the Attic cafe, one of our favourite haunts in Berkhamsted. It’s had a few incarnations in its time, once briefly under the ownership of James Hannaway, of The Rex. James was a regular face at the Attic until something fairly cataclysmic must have occurred and he was never seen again. The old Attic had a certain charm with its period

Piccotts End daffodils

Damp and dark November, time for some gardening!

November 2016
Sunday afternoons in late November are often damp, and dark by 4. Today is no exception, with a light drizzle to add to the general gloom. Gardening jobs need to be done in the morning, so I’ve been out planting up the Picccotts End village signs for some spring colour. Daffodils and pansies are the staple plantings for this time of the year and I’m