First Venice, then the Leighton Buzzard road goes green!
June 2023
It’s said that life copies art, so maybe that’s the reason a stretch of the Leighton Buzzard road looks like it’s had a brush with a can of green paint this week. It was only a few weeks ago that a Venice canal turned bright green in what many are saying was the work of an artist wishing to make a statement. Perhaps the same artistic urge overcame the owner of the can of green paint now imprinted not only on the road just up from Hilliers but into the tyres of the thousands of cars who’ve driven over it. Walking that way at the weekend I espied both the flattened can and its lid lying on the verge.
You often wonder how these things happen. Cars sitting at right angles to the road with their bonnets buried in the hedge or, as I found many years ago near here, a whole stamp collection lying in the road. Either someone deliberately chucked the can out of the car window, or. less likely, it fell off a van or lorry. Or was it a street artist!
If it’s an emulsion it will probably dissolve in wet weather. If it’s oil-based it will be on the road for years. Either way, the road will not yield the story of how it turned green.