January 2025
Enjoying a Christmas drink and chat with PERA chairman Simon Lillystone, I was amused by his story of an unexpected encounter with Sir Stephen Fry. Simon was attending an awards ceremony in London. On entering the venue he was surprised to be greeted by the polymath and comic.
‘Wonderful to see you, dear boy,’ said Sir Stephen, shaking Simon’s hand and warmly embracing him. ‘Come in. Let me introduce you to everyone.’
Looking somewhat blank, Simon entered a room full of unfamiliar faces.
‘ I don’t know anyone here,’ he said in mild protest.
‘Don’t worry,’ said Sir Stephen with a conspiratorial chuckle, ‘neither do I. Let’s mingle.’
After various introductions, Simon finally plucked up the courage to ask his host: ‘Could you tell me what awards ceremony this is?’
‘Dear boy,’ said Sir Stephen, ‘it’s the Terence Higgins Trust Awards.’
‘Oh,’ said Simon, ‘that explains it. I’m supposed to be at the awards ceremony of the National Association of Asset Managers!’
‘How marvellous,’ said Sir Stephen. ‘It’s been wonderful meeting you!’
You can just picture the scene!