April 2013
Piccotts End resident Lady Val Corbett has written a book about the life of her late husband and former Chairman of PERA, Robin, Lord Corbett of Castle Vale. Robin Corbett, A Life Well Lived, is the story of the son of a foundry worker who rose to become an MP and ended up as a Lord. Copies are available for £10 with all profits going to the Robin Corbett Award for Prisoner Rehabilitation. If you would like to buy a copy, please let Val know the number of your house by email (corbett.castlevale@gmail.com) and she will put one through your door. Pay either by putting a cheque (made out to Lady Corbett) through the door of Number 96 or online: NAME ON ACCOUNT: LADY CORBETT sort code 404776 acc no: 80490598 Reference: BOOK